A weekend well spent, with bleak forecasts still made good flights, our Miguel Matias has already begun in the dynamic…and the beacons! and even gave to flight baptisms Jorge and Daniel, It seems to encourage Zé Manuel also to him in this wonderful sport. Tivemos […]
Haverá melhor forma de festejar o dia da liberdade utilizando esse mesmo termo no seu esplendor? Grande dia em que todos fizeram bons voos. Sem esquecer a travessia completa a esta maravilhosa serra num dia que fácil era subir 🙂 Fica ainda a experiência do baptismo de voo do Rafael, e sem duvida a notável […]
In short a great day flight, lots of entertainment in flight baptisms, the guys were super fun, good flights with new altitude record this year (2200m) and pilots in various parts of the mountain, It was undoubtedly a Sunday in Grande
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