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Caramulo Landing enlargement

By Hugo Santos | January 9, 2011

A weekend dedicated will improve flight conditions, so it's easier and simple the approach maneuvers in landing Caramulo. They were cut down all the trees that were at the entrance landing.

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Another important step in the free flight in Portugal

By Hugo Santos | January 2, 2011

Another important step we made in favor of the free flight in Portugal, a new project CVLC this year that has just begun. Flying in the Sierra Goshawk, an area of ​​great scenery and great potential flight including the flight in Thermal.

We are talking about three take-offs that we will move forward for now, 400m with gaps, 750m and finally the highest offers near vertical drop of 1050m, with these possibilities for takeoffs North / Northwest in three altitude levels allows us to choose the most suitable area in case of strong wind. A capital gain is also 22000 M2 area available for landing.

We will start preparing the ground for takeoffs and access.

Subjects: Uncategorized |

1Th day of 2011 Literally in the clouds :)

By Hugo Santos | January 1, 2011

Como não podiamos deixar passar o primeiro dia do novo ano sem voar, la fomos nós para a descolagem de Alcofra. Foi sem duvida um dia agradável com uma experiência nova de voo do Luís pois ficou literalmente envolvido com nevoeiro durante um dos seus vôos.

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