Weather Underground IPWIS IMACIN1





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Caramulo Pumped :)

By Hugo Santos | April 24, 2013

A day with colossal conditions to fly, It culminated in the 1st crossing in free flight from Caramulo to Agueda, no doubt the photos speak louder. 🙂

Subjects: Uncategorized |

Alcofra work !

By Hugo Santos | April 14, 2013

Ernesto's return could not have been at a better time, an afternoon you way, with constant rising and punctually 8 m/s, indeed a good afternoon voavel.

Subjects: Photos |

Flight from Easter

By Hugo Santos | March 30, 2013

O coelhinho da Páscoa foi nosso amigo neste dia bem aproveitado com boas condições para voar.

A todos desejamos boa Páscoa e um abraço ao nosso visitante, António Aguiar !

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