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Coming from Sines to fly in Agueda

By Hugo Santos | June 18, 2018

The Sunday dawned with heavy fog that almost compromised the flight baptisms of Carina, António and Celeste. Yet, after so many Km made from Sines to Agueda S. Pedro did not disappoint and presented them with a final good morning.
For our part is the huge appreciation for preference.

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Flight Agueda baptism towards Aveiro

By Hugo Santos | May 26, 2018

Ana Clara surprised by the father with this magnificent birthday present! (upcoming birthdays back home already know what to tell).

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The brothers Pinto

By Hugo Santos | May 21, 2018

Ruben surprised Sister Liliana with an extraordinary birthday gift: a Flight Baptism in paratrayk. But, as what is good must be shared, come fly too.

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