Weather Underground IPWIS IMACIN1





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6 October magnificent day

By Hugo Santos | October 6, 2007

hpim4421.jpg What a day… We arrived at the site and a gentle breeze had a presence, just we thought it would be a poor day for flying, but… the sun and then opened, It has always been to fly until we 360 in two-seater, Watch the video Read the Rest »

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30 very windy September

By Hugo Santos | September 30, 2007

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Foi um dia de muito vento, não subimos a montanha mas ao anoitecer ainda deu para testar uma nova asa em paramotor Read the Rest »

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Tèrmicas bem situadas

By Hugo Santos | September 23, 2007


Bonito dia, boa altitude, boas tèrmicas enfim bonita paisagem.

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