14 October unstable conditions
By Hugo Santos | October 14, 2007
Quite instavel, He has only to be present and also for the pleasure of flying.
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13 October tiring day
By Hugo Santos | October 13, 2007
Work day, We start by watering takeoff, then inflated work because the time had come Campos fly solo for the first time.
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7 October was worth the paramotor
By Hugo Santos | October 7, 2007
Vôo em fim de tarde, calmo e bastante agradavel, altitude rondou os 560 metros maximo e deixou em aberto um desfio, descolar no Ventoso e aterrar 25 klm a éste no Caramulo. Daremos noticias desta nova etapa de vôo mas para ja vejam as fotos e o video Read the Rest »
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